Route and Cable Issuing and Pulling System
Cable Issuing and Pulled system
This system allows the engineering company to segment and manage the issuing of cable schedules, route lists etc in a project over a period of time. e.g. a 1000 cable project could have 4 batches of 250 cables issued at 1 month intervals ALL using the same raceway model. The necessity for this arises on projects where the construction work is occurring at the same time (give or take a few weeks) as the engineering.
The system involves the customer routing all of the cables that they want to issue at the first project milestone, in the normal Paneldes fashion, and then MARKING these cables as ISSUED. At this point the (new) ISSUED reports are generated which will contain sufficient data for the site workers to pull / route / fill and identify these issued cables.
The MARKING system, for marking cables and routes is found on the Route and Cable Locking Dialog, which is accessible from the Paneldes Cable Manager.
The current issued reports are sent to site.
Routing a new batch of cables can now continue, however the new cables being routed now are kept in separate conduits to issued or previously pulled cables. Previously issued and pulled cables are also treated as LOCKED, as are their routes. These locked cables and routes will remain static until the end of the project.
When the cables are pulled into place, on site, the site informs the engineering dept. Cables marked as ISSUED that are now pulled, should now be marked as PULLED. Once marked as PULLED, a cable is removed from the current issued reports.
When completed routing all of the cables that need to be issued at the second project milestone, these can be MARKED as ISSUED. By this stage they previous issues (first milestone) should all be marked as PULLED.
Repeat the steps from the top.
The Reports
Summary ISSUED Cables list
A new, compacted cables report, which is a summary of the current CABSCH report.
It summarizes all cables to be issued to site at this time. The user would mark the cables as "ISSUED" after auto routing is verified as correct. ISSUED would be marked in the cable locking system, similarly to "pulled" and have the same effect on conduits as marking as "pulled".
Cables not currently marked as ISSUED would not be in this report. (not-routed, not-issued and already pulled cables would be omitted).
Summary ISSUED Cross-section list
A new, compacted cross section report, which is a summary of the standard report. It is a guide to raceway filling for this batch of issued cables (only).
Unused segments AND those segments that do not contain ANY cables issued from the current batch will be omitted from this report, to make it easier to use.
It summarizes all conduit segments, within the same continuous run, to have 1 conduit name rather than the many segments that are currently listed.
Virtual raceway is not included in the cross section list ISSUED reports.
Summary ISSUED route list
A new, compacted route report which is a summary of the current one. It is a guide to cable pulling for this batch of issued cables (only).
Unused routes AND those routes that do not contain ANY cables issued from the current batch will be omitted from this report, to make it easier to use.
It summarizes all conduit segments, within the same continuous run, to have 1 conduit name rather than the many segments that are currently listed. This reduces the pulling list length dramatically.
Virtual raceway is removed from a cables route before the route is placed in the ISSUED reports.
Cables ISSUED "pull together" list
A report, which has a list of all of the RELATED cables that share conduits with a named cable.
e.g. A typical row in the report
Cab1 : Cab3, Cab5, Cab7
Possible warnings...
Warning Cable 1,3,5 are marked as issued and cable 7 is not!
Warning Cable 1,3,5 are marked as issued and cable 7 is marked as pulled!
This report tells the cable installer that when Cable1 is installed Cable3, Cable5, Cable7 must also be installed AS at some point on Cable1's route Cable3, 5, 7 will need to share at least 1 conduit with Cable1. [It may also be the case that Cable 1 and 3 and 5 share a conduit and at another location cable 5 shares a conduit with cable 7. However they still all need to be pulled together]
This informs the installer that he needs all of these cables to be ready for pulling to avert a "partial pull" situation.
How the Installer / Puller would use the Reports
The Installer decides to pull CABLE1 after seeing it in the "issued cable list".
The Installer checks that all cables related to CABLE1 are ready to pull. (re. "pull together" report)
The Installer references the routes of the group of related cables from the "issued routes list".
The Installer checks the "issued cross section list" to see where the related cables share conduits.
The Installer installs with the "issued route list"
The Installer completes all of the pulling from the "issued cables list" and records the routes and cables and sends "pulled information" to the routers.
How the Router would issue the Reports
Routers auto-route a new batch of cables. Verify the routes of these cables.
Routers mark all cables as "issued" that are ready to go to site. Issued cables can share conduits with cables issued in the same batch only (i.e. they can be pulled at the same time and hence can share conduits). Routers should not issue cables until all related cables, re. "Pull together list", are routed and marked as issued.
Routers issue list of "issued" cables to the site. Draft auto routing and model development can continue to occur now without affecting "issued" cables and their conduits. Issued cables appear like "pulled" cables to the auto-router.
Installers send a list of "100% pulled cables" to the router AND the routes used are confirmed.
The Routers must now correct errors that the installer made (bad routes). The Routers must mark as "pulled" those cables that are pulled. Cables marked as "issued" and not "pulled" at this stage, may need to be unmarked, if related cables have been pulled without the named cable.
Once the latest pulling information is entered and errors are repaired, the procedure is repeated from the top.
Issuing / Pulling and Conduits
Any conduit that contains cables marked as issued or pulled becomes unusable for further auto-routing by default. The conduit either will soon contain or already contains cables and so other cables cannot be placed in the same conduit without damaging the insulation or new or existing cables. The Paneldes routing system ensures that you know about cables that share conduits and that therefore should be pulled at the same time via the "Pull together" report, see above.
You may have large tubular raceway segments that you represent with conduit (or other similar situation) where you know that it is possible to install cables in different batches. In this situation you will want to allow further cables to be auto-routed through the same conduit.
Set the value "MULTIPULL" into the AUX6 attribute of the conduit to specify that it can have cables pulled in multiple batches until it is full.
NOTE: Conduits marked as MULTIPULL will also use the Used Cable Factor and Reserved Spare Cable Factor.
See also
How to force, lock or unlock a route
How to lock, issue and pull cables
How to check which cables must be pulled together