PLC I/O Card Catalog Structure ( CATPxx.DBF )
Fieldname | Default width | Description |
BLOCK / CLASS | 10 |
Always contains "PLCTAG". |
BLOCK3D | 25 |
The name of an optional 3D block used in Paneldes to provide a detailed representation of the physical device. |
MFG | 5 | |
CATNO | 50 |
Part number |
SUBCOMP | 10 |
Subcomponent should be set 0. |
CATDESC | 59 |
Text description of the component. |
The series number is used to identify a pre-programmed IO channel naming scheme. If PLC wizard recognises the PLC series then it can automatically generate IO addresses for your card. Use this value to identify the series. Hint: Supplied catalogs contain all currently available pre-programmed series names. Example: "PLC5" is a supplied pre programmed addressing scheme for Allen Bradley PLCs. |
The list of terminals on a PLC card, in the order they are to be drawn (top to bottom/ left to right). For numeric terminals you can use a "from-to" series e.g. instead of "2, 3, 4, 5, 6" you could use "2-6". The maximum width of the field is 255 characters. If this is not large enough to contain your list, you can add a second field named PT_TRMLIST1 and continue adding the terminal numbers in that field. |
PT_TRMLIST1 | 255 |
Contains any overrun of terminal numbers. Used only if the terminal number list for a PLC card is longer than 255 characters and will not fit within the PT_TERMLIST field. |
PT_CONFIG | 255 |
The list of "channels" (and power blocks) on the card in the order they are to be drawn (top to bottom/ left to right). Each channel is represented by an IO Card symbol on the drawing and may have 1, 2, 3 or 4 terminals. The channel name can also be thought of as "the IO card symbol name <code> part". I.e. A channel "COM1" will use the IO Card symbol HIPLCCOM1.DWG or VIPLCCOM1.DWG or HIPLCCOM1M.DWG or VPLCCOM1M.DWG, dependent on orientation. Multiple consecutive channels of the same type can be shown as an "array" e.g. DI1[4] represents an array of 4 consecutive digital inputs, each with 1 terminal. The following are channel types: DO1 = digital output, DI1 = digital input, AO1 = analog output, AI1 = analog input, PWR1 = an external supply line, COM1 = a common leading back to the CARD from a number of IOs, GND1 = an earth. The number in each code represents the number of terminals on the channel. |
HAS_IFM | 5 |
Should contain "YES" if the PLC card uses a plug-in Interface Module, or "NO" or empty if the card has its terminals directly on the front of the card. A card with an interface module has only a plug or socket on the front of the card and the interface module provides the terminals. For cards that have an interface module, the effect in an Elecdes PLC card drawing is to set the terminal numbers of the strip to the terminal names of the PLC card itself, and the wire names to the PLC addresses with a suffix if there is more than one wire per channel. This changes only how a card appears when drawn in Elecdes. The differences are in the wiring macros. There is no difference to the components created in Instrument Manager or Cable Scheduler because they do not create the wiring macro components. |
PRICE | 10 |
Price per unit. |
HEIGHT | 10 |
Parametric height for components with a rectangular cross-section. e.g. 230mm Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
WIDTH | 10 |
Parametric width for components with a rectangular cross-section. e.g. 100mm Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
DEPTH | 10 |
Parametric depth or length for components with a rectangular or circular cross-section. e.g. 230mm Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
RADIUS | 10 |
Parametric radius for components with a circular cross-section. e.g. 150mm Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
Parametric protrusion of the front of the component through a mounting plate. e.g. 20mm. Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
Area or zone classification. User defined for warnings and assistance for PLC I/O card catalogs. |
USER | 55 |
Any additional user-defined data. |
SYMB_WD | 15 |
The name of an optional symbol or block placed on a Wiring Diagram for this component. |