Device Catalog Structure ( CATDxx.DBF )
Fieldname | Default width | Description |
BLOCK / CLASS | 10 |
Name of the Elecdes block for which this catalog entry is suitable. e.g. "CRO" for normally open relay contact. Do not include the first two letters of the Elecdes block name. Do not include any numbers following the Elecdes block name. e.g. HICRO12 and VICRO12 match the catalog block "CRO". May contain an MTD filename following a comma. e.g. "MTDT,KL120" for an MTD symbol named KL120.DWG. Paneldes does not use this field in this catalog. |
BLOCK2D | 25 |
Name of dynamic block symbol file without 'VI' used for placing a 2D device. |
BLOCK3D | 25 |
The name of an optional 3D block used in Paneldes to provide a detailed representation of the physical device. |
MFG | 5 | |
CATNO | 50 |
Part number |
CATDESC | 59 |
Text description of the component. |
RATING1 - 10 | 10 |
Power, voltage, current, impedance and color ratings. |
Number assigned to this catalog entry where a part is represented by more than one catalog entry with the same part number. |
Prefix to attach to the terminal numbers in reports. |
T1 - 3 | 5 |
Names or numbers of terminals on the left side or top of a device symbol. For best results with Instrument Manager Connection Preview and automatically generated Loop Diagrams you should define Terminal Groups, below, to define the grouping and input or output assignment for terminals. |
T4 - 6 | 5 |
Names or numbers of terminals on the right side or bottom of a device symbol. For best results with Instrument Manager Connection Preview and automatically generated Loop Diagrams you should define Terminal Groups, below, to define the grouping and input or output assignment for terminals. |
PRICE | 10 |
Price per unit. |
HEIGHT | 10 |
Parametric height for components with a rectangular cross-section. e.g. 230mm Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
WIDTH | 10 |
Parametric width for components with a rectangular cross-section. e.g. 100mm Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
DEPTH | 10 |
Parametric depth or length for components with a rectangular or circular cross-section. e.g. 230mm Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
RADIUS | 10 |
Parametric radius for components with a circular cross-section. e.g. 150mm Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
Parametric protrusion of the front of the component through a mounting plate. e.g. 20mm. Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
Area or zone classification. User defined for warnings and assistance for device catalogs. |
USER | 55 |
Any additional user-defined data. Data from this field will be placed in the USER_C1 attribute of a device symbol in an Elecdes schematic. |
CATX_REF | 25 |
User defined reference to the device terminal catalog entry to be used for this device. Multiple device catalog entries for devices with the same terminal layout can use the same CATX_REF value to refer to that terminal layout in the device terminal catalogs. |
SYMB_WD | 15 |
The name of an optional symbol or block placed on a Wiring Diagram for this component. |
WD_TPLT | 30 |
The name of an optional template drawing used to represent this component in a Wiring Diagram. |
XREF_ITEM | 10 |
Component name or short description displayed if a non-graphical cross-reference list symbol, hxtext.dwg and vxtext.dwg, is used. The text from XREF_ITEM is inserted into the XREF_ITEM attribute of the h/vxtext.dwg symbol. |
Materials header to be inserted into a combined Materials / Reference table to head a group of component references of a particular type of component. Reference tables for components of this particular type are inserted within the drawing area defined by this materials header. The file name of the materials header block should always begin with "rheadh_b" or "rheadv_b". See Importing a Materials / Reference Table on to a Drawing. |
XRF_TAG | 40 |
Reference header to be inserted into a combined Materials / Reference table as the header for the reference list for this specific component. These reference tables are inserted within the drawing area defined by the materials header for their type of component. The file name of the reference header block should always begin with "rheadh_t" or "rheadv_t". See Importing a Materials / Reference Table on to a Drawing. |
TERMGRP | 64 |
Terminal groups that are created for the device when the device is created in Instrument Manager or Cable Scheduler. The format is a group name followed by the terminals in that group enclosed in brackets, repeated for each group. e.g. I1(1,2,3)O1(4,5,6)I2(11)O2(12) creates four groups:
If this field is blank or missing then default terminal groups will be created based on the number of terminals and terminal columns. |
Manufacturer's code manufacturer for a cable that should be created and connected to the device when the device is created in Instrument Manager or Cable Scheduler. |
Part number for a cable that should be created and connected to the device when the device is created in Instrument Manager or Cable Scheduler. |
Specify extra parts that should be included in the materials reports, usually mounting and other non-electrical parts, that would not otherwise be inserted into the project drawings. Use one of two methods: 1. File name of a hook-up drawing for the main component: e.g. "Pole Mounted.dwg" to specify the hook-up drawing "Pole Mounted". 2. A list of quantities, manufacturer codes and catalog numbers: e.g. "4@0,Clamp1; 8@0,L-Bracket3" to specify four of part "Clamp1" from the general catalog (MFG 0) and eight of part "L-Bracket3" from the general catalog. See Extra Parts and Hook-up Drawings (Ebase). |