Elecdes Design Suite modules will run with Windows compatible network shares.
Network Licensing:
Refer to Licence Manager for information on licensing EDS software over a network.
The software can be installed and run as stand-alone on any workstation without a network.
Several levels of program and data sharing can be achieved over a network.
All types of file and program sharing will cause some speed performance degradation. This is due to network data rates being less than 10% of hard disk rates. The amount of degradation depends on the type of file sharing implemented.
Using a network server for drawing directories will cause slow DWG file loads, saves AND slow down EDS data analysis significantly. We recommend that you "check drawings out" of the server and work on them locally. 5 second operations can turn in to 60 second operations if you ignore this recommendation.
Installing the CAD package on a network server will slow the loading of the CAD program. Performance will be OK after the CAD package is loaded.
Using a network server for EDS symbols directories will not significantly slow Elecdes / Paneldes.
Using a network server for EDS catalog files will not significantly slow Elecdes / Paneldes.
Using a network server for EDS on line manuals directories will not significantly slow Elecdes / Paneldes.
Stand-Alone Operation
EDS software can be installed and run as stand alone, whether attached to a network or not. To achieve this; Install the EDS DVD on a local drive. When asked to license / authorize the software, select a "licence drive" on the local PC and set 1 user.
Drawing File and Project Directory Sharing
Whether EDS software is installed and run as stand alone, or has some degree of data sharing, EDS drawing file directories / projects may be shared over a network. This is achieved by running the EDS "Setup" program and setting the drawings directory ON ALL workstations which need to access the shared project. Some degradation in performance will occur when drawings are shared on a network.
Sharing EDS Programs, Libraries and Parts List Catalogs
When installing EDS you can install directly to a server and have no Programs or Data files stored on your local PC. If you intend to share a network installation of EDS, during all installations after the initial server installation, simply enter the existing location of your initial server installation to the INSTALL directory. Install.exe will ask if you intend to share the server installation. Answer YES and Install.exe will connect you to this installation. All programs, catalogs and symbol libraries will be shared. Some degradation in performance will occur when files are shared on a network.
If you share an installation of EDS on a network, in this way, ALL computers sharing the installation should refer the shared drive and shared directory with the same drive letter and directory path.
Sharing ONLY Symbol Libraries and Parts List Catalogs
EDS software can have Symbol Libraries and Parts List Catalogs shared, on a network, on any shared drive. This will avoid duplication of effort when managing and maintaining these libraries. Some degradation in performance will occur when libraries are shared on a network.
If you wish to share the above files you should install EDS on your local PC.
The EDS Setup program can then be used to make the changes required by selecting the "directories" Tab.
The Catalogs are shared by moving the directories C:\EDS\IMP_CAT and C:\EDS\MET_CAT to a shared network drive.
SUBDIR_IMP_CAT= c:\eds\imp_cat
SUBDIR_MET_CAT= c:\eds\met_cat
This should be changed to (assuming the network drive is N:):
SUBDIR_IMP_CAT= N:\eds\imp_cat
SUBDIR_MET_CAT= N:\eds\met_cat
The Symbol Libraries similarly are shared by moving all of the directories prefixed by C:\EDS\IMP_* and C:\EDS\MET_* to a shared network drive.
File locking
The EDS software locks drawing and DBF files as they are accessed by each user, this can cause momentary delays during shared data operations. Files that contain project data typically are locked while being edited in a CAD session or during database editing.