1 Line Cable marker
Symbol placed on a line segment, in a single line diagram, to represent a cable. e.g. a cable on a 1 line diagram running from a panel to a motor. This symbol has the name hccab1l.dwg or vccab1l.dwg. It has the same set of attributes as the schematic cable core (conductor) marker. The symbol name identifies it as a special 1 line cable marker that does not carry any individual core (conductor) information (the corename attribute still exists, but is left blank).
Multiple 1 Line Markers / Cables on a single line
You can indicate that one cable line on the diagram represents multiple cables either by inserting a stack of piggy-back markers on the line, or by entering values in special attributes in a single 1 line cable marker symbol that is on the line.
Piggy-back markers
During the placement of a single line cable marker you can press the key "E" to attach a second "piggy-back" or "extra" cable marker to an already existing single line cable marker.
The existing marker is understood by Elecdes to represent a cable connected between a source and destination panel [or device] because it is attached to the line. Elecdes will understand that any piggy-back markers connected in a stack above that existing marker represent other cables that are connected between the same source and destination panel [or device].
The existing marker will be already understood by Elecdes to be connected between a source and destination panel [or device] via the analysis of the route of the line it is attached to. Elecdes will now assume that both cables are connected between the panels [or devices] that were associated with the existing marker.
CABLECOUNT attribute
The CABLECOUNT attribute can be used to create multiple cables with a fixed prefix and incrementing suffix. The CABLENAME attribute is used as the prefix for the cables’ names.
The format for this attribute is <count>, [<delimiter>] [<suffix>]
<count> | The number of times the cable must be multiplied. The value of count must be greater than 1 if you want the symbol to represent multiple cables. |
[<delimiter>] | (Optional) The delimiter between the CABLENAME and the suffix. The delimiter can only be non-numeric and non-alphabetical. The default value is "." if the delimiter is omitted from CABLECOUNT. |
[<suffix>] | (Optional) The suffix that is incremented and appended after the delimiter to complete each cable’s name. The suffix can be numerical, alphabetical or alpha-numeric. The value of the suffix is automatically incremented for each multiplied cable. The default first value for the suffix is "1" if the suffix is omitted from CABLECOUNT. |
Below are some examples of the cables that would be reported for different values for the CABLECOUNT attribute of a cable marker symbol with a CABLENAME of “C1”:
CABLECOUNT | <count> | <delimiter> | <suffix> | Cables reported |
3 | 3 | . | 1 | C1.1 C1.2 C1.3 |
2,- | 2 | - | 1 | C1-1 C1-2 |
4,A | 4 | . | A | C1.A C1.B C1.C C1.D |
2,.PWR1 | 2 | . | PWR1 | C1.PWR1 C1.PWR2 |
3,--100 | 3 | -- | 100 | C1--100 C1--101 C1--102 |
All the multiplied cables will share the same cable ratings and connections.
CABLENAME2, CABLENAME3, etc. attributes
CABLENAME2, CABLENAME3, etc. attributes can be used to create multiple cables with any names that do not follow a pre-set naming system. You can enter different names in any number of these attributes and Elecdes will automatically detect and report these as separate cables. You can add as many of these attributes as you require to the single line cable marker symbol. See Adding Attributes to Symbols.
For example, if you set the following attributes:
CAB1 | C1 | CABLE1 |
then three cables with names CAB1, C1 and CABLE1 will be reported. All these cables will have the same properties and connections.
In most cases, you would need only one of these attributes. However, you can use both styles of multiplication in conjunction with each other. Using both you can create multiple suffixed cables with different prefixes. You can set all the prefixes in the CABLENAME, CABLENAME2, CABLENAME3, etc. attributes and the multiplication properties in the CABLECOUNT attribute. Elecdes will automatically use each of the prefixes and report multiple cables with incrementing suffixes.
For example, suppose you want to create two separate cables for each of the three phases between two devices. Let’s say the three phases will be named L1, L2 and L3, which are the prefixes, and you want two cables for each phase. Your desired end result is to create six cables named L1.1, L1.2, L2.1, L2.2, L3.1, and L3.2 with the least clutter on the drawing.
If you were to use just the CABLECOUNT attribute to get two cables for each phase label, you would need a stack of three piggy-back cable marker symbols (one with each phase label), each with a CABLECOUNT of 2:
L1 | 2 |
L2 | 2 |
L3 | 2 |
However, if you use CABLECOUNT and also use CABLENAME2 and CABLENAME3, you can achieve the same result with only a single 1 line cable marker symbol attached to the line by setting the following attribute values:
L1 | L2 | L3 | 2 |
In both cases, a total of six cables will be reported. The names of the reported cables will be L1.1, L1.2, L2.1, L2.2, L3.1, and L3.2.