General Component Catalog Structure ( CATGxx.DBF )
The general component catalog is used only by Paneldes to supply the specifications of components that are only inserted in physical models, i.e. not used in Elecdes schematics and loop diagrams.
Components in a general catalog include accessories such as vents and glands, ducting and raceway, panels and mounting plates.
Fieldname | Default width | Description |
CLASS | 10 |
Class name for the component, e.g. PANEL, DEVICE, TRAYCNR. This is the primary link for Paneldes to identify the component. |
A division of classification within a single CLASS. e.g. a KIOSK is a subclass of PANEL. |
MFG | 5 | |
CATNO | 50 |
Part number |
CATDESC | 59 |
Text description of the component. |
PRICE | 10 |
Price per unit. |
HEIGHT | 10 |
Parametric height for components with a rectangular cross-section. e.g. 230mm Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
WIDTH | 10 |
Parametric width for components with a rectangular cross-section. e.g. 100mm Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
LENGTH | 10 |
Parametric depth or length for components with a rectangular or circular cross-section. e.g. 230mm Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
RADIUS | 10 |
Parametric radius for components with a circular cross-section. e.g. 150mm Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
Parametric radius for bends in raceway, e.g. 200mm. Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
Additional parametric height for some segments of raceway, e.g. 45mm. Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
Additional parametric width for some segments of raceway, e.g. 45mm. Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
Parametric inside angle (in degrees) of a corner or riser segment of raceway. Inside angle means that it will be 180° - deviation from straight. "150" for a corner that deviates 30° from a straight line. "150" for an inside riser that rises 30° up from a straight line. "210" for an outside riser that drops 30° down from a straight line. "30" for a tee that branches 30° to the left. "-30" for a tee that branches 30° to the right. Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
Parametric protrusion of the front of the component through a mounting plate. E.g. 20mm. Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
A number representing the conductor capacity for raceway. Can be related to size, weight, thermal requirements etc. Zero, 0, is general and will carry any amount of conductors. Used by Paneldes to optimise the filling of raceway during conductor routing. |
A number representing the weight limit for conductors placed in raceway. Zero, 0, is general and will carry any weight of conductors. Used by Paneldes to optimise the filling of raceway during conductor routing. |
Area or zone classification. Generally this is user defined for warnings and assistance for general catalogs. Raceway can use zoneclass = "6" to specify a highly restricted method of connecting devices to ducting. See the device terminal catalog (CATX) structure for more information. |
BLOCK2D | 25 |
Name of dynamic block symbol file without 'VI' used for placing 2D Panels, Plates, and Accessories. |
BLOCK3D | 25 |
The name of an optional 3D block used in Paneldes to provide a detailed representation of the physical device. |
AUX1 - 6 | 10 |
Any additional user-defined data. |
HEIGHT1 - 5 | 10 |
Additional parametric height values for components with complex shapes, e.g. a KIOSK Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
WIDTH1 - 5 | 10 |
Additional parametric width values for components with complex shapes, e.g. a KIOSK Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
LENGTH1 - 5 | 10 |
Additional parametric depth or length values for components with complex shapes, e.g. a KIOSK. Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
Specify extra parts that should be included in the materials reports, usually mounting and other non-electrical parts, that would not otherwise be inserted into the project drawings. Use one of two methods: 1. File name of a hook-up drawing for the main component: e.g. "Wall Mounted.dwg" to specify the hook-up drawing "Wall Mounted". 2. A list of quantities, manufacturer codes and catalog numbers: e.g. "4@0,Clamp1; 8@0,L-Bracket3" to specify four of part "Clamp1" from the general catalog (MFG 0) and eight of part "L-Bracket3" from the general catalog. See Extra Parts and Hook-up Drawings (Ebase). |