EDS settings for AutoCAD
The EDS program icons for ELECDES and PANELDES require the AutoCAD executable and profile settings inserted in their command lines / shortcuts. Setup will do this for you.
Note: If AutoCAD has been placed in a directory with a name that includes spaces.
e.g. c:\Program Files\AutoCAD 200X\Acad.exe
Setup will place double quotes (e.g. " ") around command line executable and support paths which contain this directory [Windows requires this].
EDS installations will have AutoCAD profiles that are named with a numeric suffix specific to the directory of each EDS installation. This enables multiple EDS installations on a computer so long as they are installed in different directories.
The AutoCAD profiles that EDS Setup creates will have some settings preset to values appropriate for Elecdes/Paneldes usage. AutoCAD profiles are stored in the Windows registry, however most settings can be manipulated via the AutoCAD user interface if required.
AutoCAD Command Line
"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2016\acad.exe" /product ACAD /language "en-US" -p "ELECDES60_71a1b7f5"
There are four parts to the command line:
- The path to the AutoCAD application, acad.exe
- Required parameters for AutoCAD (eg /product ACAD), based on the version of AutoCAD selected on the first page of EDS Setup.
- Optional parameters for AutoCAD (eg /language "en-US"), which you can specify on the first page of EDS Setup.
- The name of the Elecdes or Paneldes profile for AutoCAD to load (eg -p "ELECDES60_71a1b7f5"). This value is generated and added to the command line automatically by EDS Setup.
See also
We will assume that <EDS> is the main EDS directory path e.g. c:\ eds \
We will assume that <ACAD> is the main acad.exe path e.g. c:\ AutoCAD200X\ acad.exe
We will assume <SPC> is a "space" character.
We will assume a metric installation. e.g. MSUPPORT [not ISUPPORT]
The Paneldes command line should read:
where "nologo" has AutoCAD starting without the splash screen; "-p" loads or creates the quoted profile. The profile "paneldes60" is created by Setup. If you modify its parameters, it will return to its default settings when Setup is next executed.
For example:
C:\ Program Files\AutoCAD 200X\Acad.exe -nologo -p "Paneldes60"
The "Paneldes60" profile settings are as follows:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R15.0\ACAD-1:409\Profiles\PANELDES60\Drawing Window]
"Layout background"=dword:00000000
"ACAD"="L:\\EDS50\\BIN;L:\\EDS60\\PNLDES\\MSUPPORT;L:\\EDS60\\PNLDES;L:\\Program Files\\ACAD2000\\SUPPORT;L:\\Program Files\\ACAD2000\\FONTS;L:\\Program Files\\ACAD2000\\HELP"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R15.0\ACAD-1:409\Profiles\PANELDES60\Editor Configuration]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R15.0\ACAD-1:409\Profiles\PANELDES60\General Configuration]
The Elecdes command line should read:
<ACAD> <spc>-nologo<spc>-p<spc>"elecdes60"
where "nologo" has AutoCAD starting without the splash screen; "-p" loads or creates the quoted profile. The profile "elecdes60" is created by Setup. If you modify its parameters, it will return to its default settings when Setup is next executed.
For example:
C:\ Program Files\AutoCAD 200X\Acad.exe -nologo -p "Elecdes60"
The "Elecdes50" profile settings are as follows:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R15.0\ACAD-1:409\Profiles\ELECDES60\Drawing Window]
"Layout background"=dword:00000000
"ACAD"="L:\\EDS60\\BIN;L:\\EDS60\\ELECDES\MISUPPORT;L:\\EDS60\\ELECDES;L:\\Program Files\\ACAD2000\\SUPPORT;L:\\Program Files\\ACAD2000\\FONTS;L:\\Program Files\\ACAD2000\\HELP"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R15.0\ACAD-1:409\Profiles\ELECDES60\Editor Configuration]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R15.0\ACAD-1:409\Profiles\ELECDES60\General Configuration]