Wire Catalog Structure ( CATWxx.DBF )
Fieldname | Default width | Description |
BLOCK / CLASS | 10 |
Always contains "WIRE", which is the usual name of the Elecdes block for which this catalog entry is suitable. |
BLOCK2D | 25 |
Name of dynamic block symbol file without 'VW' used for placing a 2D Bar Conductor to terminal strips. |
MFG | 5 | |
CATNO | 50 |
Part number |
TYPE | 15 |
Text description of the wire. |
RATING1 - 10 | 20 |
Voltage, current and temperature ratings. |
AWG | 10 |
Wire gauge for the wire. |
Wire core(conductor) size: cross sectional area or wire gauge. |
USER | 55 |
Any additional user-defined data. |
PRICE | 10 |
Price per unit. |
A number representing the fill factor for this wire. Can be related to size, weight, thermal requirements etc. Zero, 0, is general and will not contribute to filling. Used by Paneldes to optimise the filling of ducting during wire routing. |
WEIGHT | 10 |
A number representing the weight for this wire. Zero, 0, is general and will not contribute to filling. Used by Paneldes to optimise the filling of raceway during wire routing. |
POWER | 5 |
A number representing the power rating for this wire. Used by Paneldes to separate wires with different power ratings during wire routing. Must match the power rating of the ducting intended to carry the wire. Zero, 0, is general and can be placed in any ducting. |
The minimum bend radius allowed for this wire. See Cable Schedule Report (Paneldes). |
Area or zone classification. User defined for warnings and assistance for wire catalogs. |
The length of wire contained in one whole drum. Used by Paneldes to produce a drumming report. |