Terminal Catalog Structure ( CATTxx.DBF )
Fieldname | Default width | Description |
BLOCK / CLASS | 10 |
Always contains "TERM", which is the usual name of the Elecdes block for which this catalog entry is suitable. |
BLOCK2D | 25 |
Name of dynamic block symbol file without 'VT' used for placing a 2D Terminal Strip. |
BLOCK3D | 25 |
The name of an optional 3D block used in Paneldes to provide a detailed representation of the physical device. |
MFG | 5 | |
CATNO | 50 |
Part number |
WAYS | 20 |
Optional terminal naming parameter used to identify mutli-tiered terminals or terminals from a fixed length multi-way terminal block. The data in this field both identifies the part as a multi-tiered or multi-way terminal and specifies the naming of the individual terminals that make up the one component. See How to Represent Multi-Tiered Terminals (Elecdes). |
CATDESC | 59 |
Text description of the component. |
RATING1 - 10 | 10 |
Voltage, current and wire capacity ratings. |
PRICE | 10 |
Price per unit. |
HEIGHT | 10 |
Parametric height for components with a rectangular cross-section. e.g. 230mm Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
WIDTH | 10 |
Parametric width for components with a rectangular cross-section. e.g. 100mm Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
DEPTH | 10 |
Parametric depth or length for components with a rectangular or circular cross-section. e.g. 230mm Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
RADIUS | 10 |
Parametric radius for components with a circular cross-section. e.g. 150mm Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
Parametric protrusion of the front of the component through a mounting plate. e.g. 20mm. Used by Paneldes to construct the physical model. |
Area or zone classification. User defined for warnings and assistance for terminal catalogs |
USER | 55 |
Any additional user-defined data. |
SYMB_WD | 15 |
The name of an optional symbol or block placed on a Wiring Diagram for this component, e.g. to provide a graphical representation of a fused or isolating terminal. |
WD_TPLT | 30 |
The name of an optional template drawing used to represent this component in a Wiring Diagram. |
Specify extra parts that should be included in the materials reports, usually mounting and other non-electrical parts, that would not otherwise be inserted into the project drawings. Use one of two methods: 1. File name of a hook-up drawing for the main component: e.g. "Termnal installation.dwg" to specify the hook-up drawing "Terminal installation". 2. A list of quantities, manufacturer codes and catalog numbers: e.g. "0,Label; 2@0,HolePlug" to specify one part "Label" from the general catalog (MFG 0) and two of part "HolePlug" from the general catalog. See Extra Parts and Hook-up Drawings (Ebase). |
See also
For more information about multi-tiered terminals or fixed length multi-way terminal blocks, see How to Represent Multi-Tiered Terminals (Elecdes).