RLIST.TXT Diagnostic Data
If you need further information about the routing process that has occurred, to assist in diagnosing issues that you have observed, Paneldes optionally provides a diagnostic output data file called <project>RLIST.TXT. This can tell you how Paneldes has connected trays together for routing and also provides other connection details. This file will often be used to explain why a cable seems to route in a path that was not expected, for example, 2 trays that appear to join however did not form a junction.
The first part of the file describes the raceway connection preferences, specifically the preferences that influence the connection behavior of the raceway.
Each following section of the file describes one raceway segment (tray, conduit or similar) and its connections. All segments are included in the file.
A section of this file would appear as follows:
Seg 1344 of 5585: GZ899-4808#2
CLASS: CABTRAY PWR [ 400,230 ] CF [ 848.00 ] WF [ 3.00 ] Length [ 0.3740m ]
Major end positions: ( 69448.1508,218174.7532,-500.0000 ) - ( 69448.1508,218548.7533,-500.0000 )
Raceway network: 1
Seg 1343 - GZ899-4808#1 Snug tray 0 at end 0. PWR [ 400,230 ] CF [ 848.00 ] WF [ 3.00 ]
Seg 1345 - GZ899-4820#1 Connection 1 at end 0. PWR [ 400,230 ] CF [ 848.00 ] WF [ 3.00 ]
Seg 4698 - UG496C.1 Connection 2 at end 0. PWR [ 400,230 ] CF [ 1200.00 ] WF [ 5.00 ]
Seg 1250 - GZ599-4811 Snug tray 0 at end 1. PWR [ 400,230 ] CF [ 848.00 ] WF [ 3.00 ]
The first line in each section contains the segment number (e.g. 1344) and tagname (e.g GZ899-4808#2 ). The segment number is used when referring to connections from other raceway segments.
The second line describes the CLASS (type of raceway component) and the POWER level number, CABLEFACTR and WEIGHTFCTR for that segment of raceway. The length of the raceway is also included on this line. When POWER levels do not match the raceway segments will not join.
The third line describes the end points in 3D space of the raceway segment. With this data you can check to see if two segments are close enough to each other to form a connection.
The fourth line shows the raceway network number. All raceway on the same network is connected, even if only indirectly. If two raceway segments of interest are on different networks then there is no connection between those segments or any other segments to which they are connected that would allow a cable to route from one to the other.
The list of "RouteConnections" that follows describes each other raceway segment that is connected directly at one of the ends. The other segments have some of their properties listed and the type of connection formed. This list will quickly establish if your two trays have formed a junction/connection.
All connections are listed including REAL connections, DUMMY connections and BRIDGING connections. Dummy connections are created when a route is LOCKED and segments that were saved in that route are somehow lost or deleted. Paneldes forms a new connection which jumps the missing segment. BRIDGING connections are formed when bottleneck passes allow separated networks to artificially bridge (connect) to find a route when no route was found (due to network disconnection).
The connections shown in RLIST.TXT are affected by the properties of the raceway segments themselves and the current routing settings. They are not affected by the properties of any specific cable.
See also
Segment to Panel Connection data (SegToPanelConnections.txt)
Route optimisation errors and warnings
How to use the NEC code to calculate raceway fill for trays and conduits.