Language Translation
Elecdes Design Suite allows complete translation of all of its MENUS, DIALOGS, HELP INFORMATION and PROGRAM FUNCTIONS. This allows EDS to "speak" to you in the language of your choice.
Translation of attribute names, file names and block names is NOT allowed.
The text used in prompts, menus, forms and other messages is contained in an ASCII text file.
The file is contained in the <EDS>\DAT directory and has the filename EDSStrings.txt.
Menu files are open and can be translated. The TOOLTIPS of the toolbars are the main parts of a menu that need translation but other areas (Menu bars, Icon Menus) may also be translated.
Menus and tool-tips
Menu files are open and can be translated. The TOOLTIPS of the toolbars are the main parts of the menu that need translation for Elecdes and Paneldes.
To modify these files you should edit them with a TEXT EDITOR such as Notepad.exe.
Find and translate the appropriate sections of the following files
Program Text (EDSStrings.TXT) file
To modify this file you should edit them with a TEXT EDITOR that supports UTF-8, such as Notepad++.
Each LINE of text in this file contains a PHRASE.
The PHRASE may contain 1 word or a group of words (a question or statement).
Each PHRASE should be translated individually.
You MUST NOT change the INDEX number or SECTION, in the file, of any PHRASE. EDS expects to find the ELECDES number 1 phrase with INDEX number 1 etc.
To translate a line simply TYPE OVER the existing line, with the translated phrase, observing the following rules.
No line should exceed 255 bytes.
You should not exceed the original phrase length (in bytes) if possible.
You should attempt to make your new phrase the same length as the old phrase if possible. (use extra spaces ' _' if necessary)
You may find that phrases which have been replaced AND vary significantly from the original phrase length (in bytes) may be truncated (e.g. when displayed on a button) OR have untidy spacing. You may add spaces or abbreviate new phrases to improve appearance.
Separate the index number from the phrase with a comma.
Program Translation files are:
EDSStrings.txt - Language translation for all programs
Descriptive field names
As an extension of the language translation system EDS provides a file enabling you to translate and expand the description of the attribute based DBF field names in EDS. The file is called FIELDDESCRIPTORS.DBF and contains the specification of a component type (CLASS, SUBCLASS) and the attribute list containing "more descriptive text".