General System Administration
This topic describes methods you can use to alter the operation of EDS via the EL32.INI initialization file. You may alter this file with Notepad.exe or similar.
EDS keeps all INI file settings for each user in a separate section of the INI file. This allows a single server based INI file to store the unique information of many users. The sections below detail the section information in general.
The section titles for a particular user, e.g. User FRED would be [FRED-Common] instead of [Common].
EDS Setup allows you adjust and to "clone" a users settings when creating a new user.
El32.INI file contents
The el32.ini file stores all the settings from the various EDS modules. They are stored under headings prefixed with the user name. The [Common] section is created upon install and initial setup. Each subsequent section is created as the software module is activated.
[Common] | Setup module default settings |
[user-Common] | User Setup module settings |
[user-Image] | Ebase Global Edit Settings |
[user-Ferrule] | Ferrule(wire label) report and back-annotation settings |
[user-Plotter] | Batch Plotter Utility settings |
[user-Wndpos] | Window Positions |
[user-Protogen] | Protogen Module settings |
[user-Elecdes] | Elecdes Settings |
[user-SlideDialog] | Slide Dialog Utility Settings |
[user-WireDiag] | Wire Diagram Module settings |
[user-Catalog] | Catalog Module Settings |
[user-Reports] | Ebase Report Settings |
[user-ProjEdit] | Project Settings |
[user-XREF] | Cross-reference utility settings |
[user-DatabaseEditor] | Database Editor Module settings |
[user-Pnldes] | Paneldes settings |
[user-GAPnldes] | Paneldes General Arrangement settings |
[user-PLCWizard] | PLC wizard settings |
[user-PLC] | PLC construction settings |
[user-Permissions] | Settings for user rights and permissions |
[user-Instrument Manager] | Instrument Manager Module settings |
[user-CableScheduler] | Cable Scheduler Module settings |
This file can be viewed by the user. It is recommended that adjustment of settings and parameters should be done with the associated modules' preferences user interface.
Preferences loaded into the above sections
See Setup, Elecdes and / or Paneldes preferences.