How to Generate MDB/SQL Reports
Ebase can automatically generate an MDB file (MS Access) with all Ebase DBF file reports and revision reports exported in to it. The DBF files will appear as newly generated tables in the MDB file after this operation is run.
The tables can have much customisation done on their appearance after they are loaded including running your own queries to isolate useful data sets and generating highly formatted reports with the ACCESS "point and click" report generator. You could also link this file directly to SQL databases or SAP with your own macros.
The MDB report will be originally generated from a template file stored in the <EDS> \RTEMPLATE directory. The file name for the template is "EDS Reports MSA 2000.mdb".
You can alter this template to contain your own automation/macros/VB and reports and this will cause all Ebase reports to appear as you desire without any "after Ebase" processing.
The template file can also be stored in the <EDS> \USER_SYMB directory.
We have provided sample formatted reports and queries for most of the DBF reports of Ebase.
It is not necessary to generate the MDB /SQL reports every time you compile your DBFs, in fact to save time you could simply do this when you need to issue them to a customer/end user.
File names and locations
The MDB file will be created in your project directory by Ebase. It will be named "<project name>EDS Reports MSA 2000.mdb" where the <project name> prefix is the name of your project file.
Check the box for "MDB/SQL Reports". If your DBF reports are complete you could save time by deselecting the other check boxes.
Press the "Compile Reports" button.
You may use MS Access to view the database and print the reports.