The "From To" Panel Wire Schedule Format
The field structure for the "from to" panel wire schedule file, <ProjectName>FromToWire.dbf, is as follows:
Field Name | Default Width | Description | Source |
WIRE | 25 | Name given to wire marker attached to the conductor or default conductor name | From WIRENAME attribute of wire marker OR generated internally |
NETWORK | 10 | Number given to each physically connected set of line segments representing a wire (where continuation is ignored). | Generated inside report function |
PNLNO_A | 25 | Panel number for the first termination | From attribute of component at termination |
DEV_TBLK_A | 25 | Name given to device or terminal block at first termination for the conductor | From TAGNAME or TBLOCK attribute of component at termination |
TERM_A | 25 | Terminal number of device or terminal block at the first termination for the conductor | From terminal attribute of component at termination |
TERMSIDE_A | 12 | The side of the first terminal, if it is a polarised terminal, into which this conductor is connected. | Position of line segment on schematic drawing. |
FERRULE_A | 25 | Ferrule(wire label), if one is placed at the first termination | From Termination block attributes at first termination |
IEC_FERR_A | 40 | IEC Ferrule(wire label) – e.g. TB2-54 / W001 / TB0-13 | Same as FRMIEC field in the Ferrule Report |
EU_FERR_A | 40 | European Union Ferrule(wire label) – e.g. TB2-54 | Same as FRMORIG field in the Ferrule Report |
CRIMP_A | 59 | The crimp at the first termination | From Termination block attributes at first termination |
REFRNCE_A | 59 | Reference of location of component at the first termination for the conductor | Calculated from position of component on drawing |
PNLNO_B | 25 | Panel number for the second termination | From attribute of component at termination |
DEV_TBLK_B | 25 | Name given to device or terminal block at second termination for the conductor | From TAGNAME or TBLOCK attribute of component at termination |
TERM_B | 25 | Terminal number of device or terminal block at the second termination for the conductor | From terminal attribute of component at termination |
TERMSIDE_B | 12 | The side of the second terminal, if it is a polarised terminal, into which this conductor is connected. | Position of line segment on schematic drawing. |
FERRULE_B | 25 | Ferrule(wire label), if one is placed at the second termination | From Termination block attributes at second termination |
IEC_FERR_B | 40 | IEC Ferrule(wire label) – e.g. TB0-13 / W001 / TB2-54 | Same as TOIEC field in the Ferrule Report |
EU_FERR_B | 40 | European Union Ferrule(wire label) – e.g. TB0-13 | Same as TOORIG field in the Ferrule Report |
CRIMP_B | 59 | The crimp at the second termination | From Termination block attributes at second termination |
REFRNCE_B | 59 | Reference of location of component at the second termination for the conductor | Calculated from position of component on drawing |
ROUTE | 25 | The route number for Paneldes wire routes. See Wire Schedule Report. | Generated by Paneldes |
EST_LEN | 15 | The estimated length of the wire. See Wire Schedule Report. | Generated by Paneldes |
MINBNDRAD | 15 | The minimum bend radius allowed for this wire. See Wire Schedule Report. | From catalog if wire marker exists |
FORCE | 10 | If blank then all segments of the wire can be "loop optimised". See Wire Schedule Report. |
User Entered |
TYPE | 15 | Type of wire as given in the catalog, blank if default named wire | From catalog if wire marker exists |
SIZE | 10 | Size of wire as given in the catalog, blank if default named wire | From catalog if wire marker exists |
RATING | 20 | Rating of the wire as given in the catalog, blank if default named wire | From catalog if wire marker exists |
MANUF | 25 | Manufacturer name for wire, blank if default named wire | From MFG attribute of wire marker if it exists |
CATNO | 50 | Manufacturer's part number, blank if default named wire | From CATNO attribute of wire marker if it exists |
USER | 55 | User defined data | From USER catalog field |
PRICE | 10 | Price per unit length as given in the catalog, blank if default named wire | From catalog if wire marker exists |
DRUMSIZE | 15 | The length of wire contained in one whole drum. Used by Paneldes to produce a drumming report. | From catalog if wire marker exists |
CABLEFACTR | 10 | A number representing the fill factor for this wire. Can be related to size, weight, thermal requirements etc. Zero, 0, is general and will not contribute to filling. Used by Paneldes to optimise the filling of ducting during wire routing. | From catalog if wire marker exists |
WEIGHT | 10 | A number representing the weight fill factor for this wire. Zero, 0, is general and will not contribute to filling. Used by Paneldes to optimise the filling of raceway during wire routing. | From catalog if wire marker exists |
POWER | 5 | A number representing the power rating for this wire. Used by Paneldes to separate wires with different power ratings during wire routing. Must match the power rating of the ducting intended to carry the wire. | From catalog if wire marker exists |
ZONECLASS | 10 | Area or zone classification. User defined for warnings and assistance for wire catalog's. | From catalog if wire marker exists |
DETAILS | 100 | Details about wire routing results. See Wire Schedule Report. | Generated by Paneldes |
WARNINGS | 255 | Wire schedule warnings | Generated in function |
When "only wire extension markers can be continuations" and join the networks of line segments that make up wires, a connected line segment network can be identified only by considering both the wirename (WIRE column) and network value (NETWORK column). This is as a result of the possible re-use of a wirename in a second panel under this system. See Conductor Naming and Continuation.
If a wire marker exists and the MFG and CATNO attributes do not reference a catalog entry, then Elecdes will not find the information on the wire details and the fields TYPE, SIZE and RATING will not contain any data.
Termination Blocks may be used to determine the order in which terminations of a single panel wire are listed.
Customising this report
You can add fields to this report. You can add additional fields for the conductor. You can add additional fields for the two terminations of the conductor.
Additional fields with normal names refer to the conductor. They will be filled with data from either a matching attribute of the wire marker or a matching field from the catalog data of the wire marker.
Additional fields that have a suffix "_A" or "_B" refer to the two terminations. They will be filled with data from either an attribute of the device or terminal, or a field from the catalog data of the device or terminal.
An attribute or catalog field will match if it has the same name as the field in the conductor report with the _A or _B removed.
e.g. The fields SERVICE_A and SERVICE_B will obtain data from the attribute or catalog field named SERVICE of the device or terminal at each termination.
The maximum size for a field name is 255 characters.