Multi-Terminal Devices (MTD)
Catalog entries for multi-terminal devices (MTDs) have a composite block name. All MTD symbols use an MTDT block on the drawing to contain the catalog information, therefore in the BLOCK field of the catalog the original MTD name is added as a suffix following "MTDT" and a comma, e.g. "MTDT,KBCH130" for an MTD symbol named "KBCH130.dwg".
If composite block names are used in the BLOCK or CLASS field of the catalog file, the correct component entry will be listed in the catalog page when inserting the MTD symbol.
If the BLOCK or CLASS field contains only "MTDT", then the component entry will be listed in the catalog page for any MTD symbol.
Catalog files made with EDS versions prior to EDS 4.0 will only have "MTDT". The MTD symbol name can be added to these catalog files to make their MTD components easier to select.