How to Add a Catalog File
You may add your own catalog files of any type (device, wire, cable etc) for any manufacturer. New catalog files are placed in the catalog directory.
Pick the menu item Elecdes/Paneldes > Utility > Make a catalog DBF file.
Select the catalog type you wish to create from the list.
Enter the 2 digit or 2 letter code for the manufacturer. It can be a new manufacturer code.
If required enter a sub-catalog suffix as well. The suffix you enter must be 1 digit or letter.
If you are building a CATX file, this dialog will also ask for the maximum number of terminals you wish to have, on any device, in your new catalog.
If the catalog exists, then a warning will be displayed and the function will terminate.
Catalog sub-directories will be searched to check if the catalog already exists.
The new catalog file will now be created. The structure of the new catalog will come from the matching database template. These templates are located in the <EDS>\RTEMPLATE or <EDS>\USER_SYMB directory of your Elecdes installation, and can be customised.
A dialog will confirm that the catalog file has been created.
If you have entered a new manufacturer code, you will be asked to enter a new manufacturer name in a dialog box. The new manufacturer name and code will be added to the manufacturer list.
If you have entered a new sub-catalog suffix, you will be asked to enter a new Sub Catalog Description in a dialog box. The new description and the manufacturer and sub-catalog code will be added to the sub-catalog suffix list.