Electrical Design Software | Elecdes Design Suite by Scada Systems Ltd

Batch Operation


Protogen can be run in an automatic batch mode. Batch mode will create multiple clone drawings from one or more Protogen databases. During batch mode operation no user input is required.

There are two different systems of operation that can be used with Protogen for batch generation of drawings.

The first system is to provide command line parameters to the Protogen program, instructing Protogen to automatically create drawings with no further user input. The name of the database to use for drawing creation is specified, and drawings will be created for every record in that database.

The second system is to supply a configuration file which instructs Protogen what to do when it is run. This system is initiated by the existence of a specific file of instructions for Protogen, PR_BATCH.TXT. This file enables the user to specify which Protogen database(s) to use and which clone drawing(s) to create or update from each database.

To create a set of drawings from the "Command Line Parameters":

  1. Create a shortcut to start the Protogen program (or "EXEC" / "SHELL" command from another database application).

  2. Add command line parameters to the shortcut / command. The first parameter is the name of the Protogen database from which the drawings will be created. The second parameter should be /b to indicate 'batch mode' operation.

To create a set of drawings from a "Batch File":

  1. Make your batch file in the clone directory. (Usually created automatically from another database application).

    The batch file should contain the AUTO setting and all data required for your batch of drawings.

    The prototype and database files for your batch of drawings should be in existence and contain valid data.

  2. Run Protogen. (Usually started automatically from another database application, "EXEC" / "SHELL" command).

    Protogen will automatically begin producing clone drawings with no further user input.

  3. After the batch has been processed, Protogen will change the first line of the batch file to read MAN_ to avoid running the same batch again.

  4. Protogen will close and your drawings will be present in the clone directory.

Important Notes:

A/ Clone drawings will be generated in the same revision of the drawing format as the prototype drawing.

e.g. If your prototype drawing is R14 then the clone drawings will also be R14.

B/ In general your CAD package will lock those files that are open in a drawing session with operating system locks. You cannot write Protogen UPDATE data to a clone drawing which is also open for editing with the CAD package.

Batch file Format:

PR_BATCH.TXT is a text file that can be created in any standard text editor, such as Notepad.exe.

Line 1 AUTO or MAN_ is a text flag. Protogen will run in batch mode if it is set to AUTO.

Line 2 Database file name #1 (File extension must be included. Do not include the path.)

Line 3 First record to use in database #1


 nth record to use in database #1

 Database file name #2

 First record to use in database #2


 nth record to use in database #2

 Next database etc.


Line in FileDescription
AUTORun Protogen in batch mode flag
protodb1.dbfFirst database to use
1Make a clone drawing from record 1 of database 1
2Make a clone drawing from record 2 of database 1
3Make a clone drawing from record 3 of database 1
4Make a clone drawing from record 4 of database 1
protodb2.dbfSecond database to use
10Make a clone drawing from record 10 of database 2
35Make a clone drawing from record 35 of database 2
46Make a clone drawing from record 46 of database 2


  • The record numbers should occupy the lines immediately following their appropriate database name.

  • If either the database or prototype drawing does not exist or the record number is less than 1 or greater than the number of records in the database, Protogen will ignore the record.

  • After processing the databases listed in PR_BATCH.TXT, Protogen will write "MAN_" into the top line of the file and exit to Windows.