Electrical Design Software | Elecdes Design Suite by Scada Systems Ltd

How to Control the Crossing of Lines in 2 Line Drawings

2 Line Crossing

2 Line drawing macros can either cross the lines at certain corners or ensure the lines are uncrossed at all corners. Automated Drawing Functions.

The pictures below illustrate the difference between the two settings.

CrossedNot Crossed

If the lines are allowed to cross, at the corners, then you are guaranteed that the upper/left line will always be the same phase, and the lower/right line will be the other phase.

If line crossing is not allowed, the drawing will appear tidier. Exercise caution as phases may be swapped.

When starting 2 Line draw in an upward direction with "no crossing" set, then one of the lines will not be drawn correctly. Do not start this function vertically in the upward direction. This is not a problem when starting in either direction horizontally or starting vertically downward.


  1. Choose Preferences from the Elecdes Menu. You will be presented with the Elecdes Preferences Dialog.

  2. Go to the General tab page

  3. Tick 2 line macros: Cross at corners if you want the 2 Line draw tool to cross at the corners.