Electrical Design Software | Elecdes Design Suite by Scada Systems Ltd

Building Services Symbols

Building services symbols are specially named single line device symbols.

Building services symbols are used to prepare diagrammatic layouts of electrical equipment on building floor plans. The presence of these blocks on drawings in an Elecdes project will cause those parts to be listed in the Ebase material reports.

Building services symbols provide no detail of electrical connections to those devices.

Symbol File names

The file/block names for all building services symbols begin with a prefix of 'oi'.

e.g. "OILIGHT501.dwg" or "OIOUTLET_TP501.dwg".

Normally the 'O' in the block name would contain 'h' or 'v' to identify the orientation of a device symbol, however Elecdes recognises 'o' at the start of the block name and treats the symbol differently for the insertion operation. When a symbol with a 'o' start character is inserted you will be prompted to specify the rotation angle of the symbol. This is unlike all other Elecdes symbols.

Elecdes Symbol Naming Conventions


The files for building service symbols are all found in the same directory as single line device symbols:

  • Building service symbols: <EDS >\IMP_SLIN and <EDS >\MET_SLIN (for metric users)

Location on the Menu

The icon menu for building services symbols can be found on the Elecdes > Symbols menu.

Insertion Procedure

How to insert symbols

After the insertion of building services symbols you are prompted to select the rotation angle. In this way the symbols can be easily aligned to other items in the diagram.

Attributes of Building Services Symbols

For a list of attributes refer to Attributes of Symbols.

Customisation of Building Services Symbols

For information about adding and customising symbols and their menu entries refer to Symbol Modification.