Electrical Design Software | Elecdes Design Suite by Scada Systems Ltd

How to Configure Polyline Cables

Polyline Cables

You can configure the sizes and spacings used when constructing polyline cables with Elecdes. You can also change the symbols used for various parts of the polyline cable. This allows you to create your own symbols for the various parts of the polyline cable.


  1. Choose Preferences from the Elecdes Menu. You will be presented with the Elecdes Preferences Dialog.

  2. Go to the Cables/Wires tab page

  3. You will see the Polyline Cables group box shown below

This following table describes the settings that can be changed

Setting NameDescription
Core(conductor) Line LengthThe length of the lines connecting the cores(conductors) to the terminals
Core(conductor) Marker PositionThe offset of the core(conductor) marker symbols from the main cable polyline
Gap For Core MarkerThis is the gap (line break) that will be created by the construction function if you wish to insert the core marker into a gap in the line representing the core/conductor, instead of above it.
Cable Diagonal OffsetThe distance (in X or Y) that a polyline cable's cores are offset if they are attached to a terminal that already has another polyline cable core attached.
Cable Marker SymbolThe symbol used for the Cable Marker
Top/Left Cable Core(Conductor) SymbolThe symbol used to mark cable cores on the Top/Left of the polyline cable
Bottom/Right Cable Core(Conductor) SymbolThe symbol used to mark cable cores on the Bottom/Right of the polyline cable
Cable Continuation SymbolFor single ended constructions, showing only one end of a cable, a cable continuation marker is required. You can name the symbol in this edit box.